SEDA news and events
With harvesting season approaching, farmers will soon be responsible for the health and safety of teams of people harvesting their crops. Some of those workers will be unfamiliar with the farms they are working on or how to work safely on the farm. Many of those workers will be working with or in the same area as tractors and other vehicles putting them at risk of being hit or run over. Many of those workers will be doing repetitive work which creates risks for musculoskeletal injuries including work that involves bending, lifting or working above their heads. And with COVID-19 circulating in the community, it is important that farmers don’t bring infections onto their farms and that their workers are not exposed to COVID-19 in the course of their work. Now is a good time to be preparing for staying safe and keeping the workers on farm safe during harvest before it gets very busy.
Here are some links to some information that you may find useful.
- A reminder for farmers, owners and managers of their obligations to provide a safe workplace and give some tips on how to do that -
- Advice on managing coronavirus risks on farms and particularly when employing temporary workers
- Some tips on reducing the risk of fatalities from vehicles (the number 1 cause of farm deaths)
- Advice on reducing manual handling injuries
- Information about the new workplace manslaughter law:
WorkSafe wants to support farmers to provide safe workplaces. If you would like further support or information please contact Graham Phelps, Program Manager Agriculture Practice, WorkSafe -
Victoria has opted into the above program, however at this stage from our understanding only the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea are approved countries with Tonga and Fiji still in discussions to participate. This will form part of the solution for the upcoming harvest shortfall, however, workers will need to act now if they want to participate. Before being eligible for the program the following criteria must be met and addressed:
- You must be an approved employer under the scheme (can take up to 12 weeks currently) or use an approved employer – to register or apply click here
- Labour Testing needs to be undertaken to demonstrate that there is not enough local labour in horticulture
- The State must be able to manage the quarantine processes for the incoming workforce (it has yet to be decided how this will be funded)
- The State must be able to ensure that priority is given to returning Australian’s from overseas.
- The State’s Chief Medical Health Officer must also endorse the program and be comfortable with the quarantine processes.
There is a Seasonal Worker Regional Pilot program that is being run in the Goulburn Valley assisting smaller growers to meet harvest needs and attached is a flyer. You can also discuss your needs or questions with Miki Wilson who is the Regional Coordinator on (03) 54305601 or Mobile 0407 611 044.
View the Stock & Land article featuring Agricluture Minister, Jaclyn Symes
Click here for the Seasonal Worker Program Regional Pilot brochure
In addition to the business adaptation funding that covers accommodation and machinery, you can also apply for funding to cover the above, please see below a brief summary of the funding:
- $1,000 and $100,000 (up to 100 per cent of total eligible project costs) to induct workers into new job roles and deliver re-training
- Up to $200 per day for 90 days to offset the costs of worker accommodation for workers who have to relocate from another area
- $50 per day for 90 days to cover travel to work costs and $500 per employee relocation costs
- Job roles must be advertised for a minimum period on the Working for Victoria platform or another approved job advertising platform to test the local labour market first before this support can be accessed
- We encourage members to register for this program and discuss with a case manager their needs and eligibility in preparation for harvest
Applications close 31 December 2020 (or once fund is expended), please connect with an AWP Case Manager by emailing
Visit the Agriculture Victoria website for further information...
The Ag Workforce Plan presentation is available for download here...
Second Step for Melbourne restrictions - Find out about the current restrictions in place. How to stay safe and well. Find out what you can do to reduce the risk and stop the spread of COVID-19. Visit the DHHS website for more information...
COVIDSafe Plan now required for regional Victorian businesses- From 11:59 on 13 September 2020, it is mandatory for every Victorian business to have a COVIDSafe Plan. To ensure compliance, random spot checks are underway in metropolitan Melbourne and will commence in regional Victoria from 29 September 2020. Your COVIDSafe Plan must set out:
- your actions to help prevent the introduction of coronavirus (COVID-19) in your workplace
- the level of face covering or personal protective equipment (PPE) required for your workforce
- how you will prepare for, and respond to, a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in your workplace
- this plan must demonstrate how you will meet all the requirements set out by the Victorian Government. Some higher-risk industries or workplaces have additional requirements of employers and employees.
Hort Innovation is inviting growers and supply chain members from the cherry, summerfruit and table grape industries to join the Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP) for these respective sectors. Hort Innovation are keen to hear from a diverse group, including applicants of all ages, genders, cultural backgrounds and from small, medium and large operations.
The SIAP is a panel of industry representatives that provides advice to Hort Innovation in relation to industry research and development funded by industry levies and contributions from the Australian Government, and marketing investments funded by industry levies.
Industry members interested in finding out more about the SIAP can contact Hort Innovation's Industry Strategic Partner for the cherry, summerfruit and table grape industries, Dumisani Mhlanga on 0447 091 186 or via email at
Jaclyn Symes, Minister for Agriculture
The Victorian Government has announced targeted funding to attract seasonal workers to regional Victoria and ensure farmers have the hands-on-deck they need to get produce to plate.
Minister for Agriculture Jaclyn Symes today announced a $17 million package to help address seasonal workforce shortages brought on by the coronavirus pandemic and reiterated the call for farmers to register their workforce needs on the Working for Victoria platform to be matched with eager jobseekers.
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