SEDA news and events
The stone fruit season from South Africa is in full swing. Apricots, nectarines, peaches and plums from the sunny regions of southern Africa can now be found in retail fruit departments. These highlights, both in terms of appearance and flavour, bring the freshness of the South African summer into the winter months and offer consumers a top-quality taste experience. Read the full Fresh Plaza article HERE
The Australian fruit industry is diverse, ranging from tropical fruits in Queensland to temperate crops in Victoria and Tasmania. It contributes significantly to the economy, with fruits like avocados, mangoes, and berries being major export items. Read full Fresh Plaza article HERE
It has been a good year so far for peaches and nectarines at Prima Fresh Fruit, based in the Gouldburn Valley, Victoria. "There was a lot of rain in November which caused damage to our apricot crop, but the peaches and nectarines fared much better," explains Jackson Bennet, National Sales Manager at the company. Read full Fresh Plaza article HERE
A new bit of kit will be trialed to see if it can help Australian peach and nectarine growers assess harvest maturity in order to maximise target markets.
Horticulture research and development business Fruitful Insights will conduct a trial of the non-destructive fluorescence-reflectance spectrometer developed by Rubens Technologies for rapid measurement of fruit maturity and quality.
The trial is being done in partnership with Summerfruit Australia Limited (SAL) and Hort Innovation. Read the full Good Fruit Grower article HERE
Australian nectarines have entered the Chinese market a week earlier than usual this year, and the fruit is currently in its peak sales season. Read full Fresh Plaza article HERE
The cooperative NZ Summerfresh Ltd holds the exclusive New Zealand rights to commercialize NZ Summer series apricots specially bred in New Zealand and has announced the brand names of the first five varieties. Read full Fresh Plaza article HERE
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