SEDA news and events
Tax time is right around the corner! Check out the ATO’s tailored info guide for the agricultural industry:
Not sure what deductions you can claim this tax time? Well good news! The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has a range of helpful information tailored to the agricultural industry!
Check it out:
- Webinar 1. Reading climate drivers Wednesday, 14 June, 1 – 2 pm,
- Webinar 2. Using outlooks, forecasts, and tools, Wednesday 21 June, 1 – 2 pm
Download the information flyer for more information and to register
Join a webinar on Wednesday 31 May at 11 am to learn about Concessional Loans that are currently available for primary producers impacted by the October 2022 to January 2023 flood and storms event and the 23 March 2023 hailstorm event.
If you have questions, here is your chance to ask them.
Presenters from Agriculture Victoria and Rural Finance will discuss the guidelines and application process.
Applications close on 13 July for the Primary Producer Flood Recovery concessional loan (for floods and storms between Oct 2022 to Jan 2023) and 14 November for the Hailstorm Recovery Concessional Loan (for the hail event on 23 March 2023).
Register online HERE For further information call 0427 694 185 or
New biosecurity levy: What farmers will pay
Farmers will pay almost $48 million a year to help bankroll Australia’s revamped biosecurity funding system via a new levy on all products.While industry welcomed the long-sought sustainable funding model announced in Tuesday night’s federal budget, agriculture leaders declared the “surprise raid on farmers’ hip pockets” as “bittersweet”.
Read the full Weekly Times article here- WT_article-_New_biosecurity_levy.pdf
Changes to workplace laws come into effect in June under the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act.
The Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act was passed in December 2022, making several changes to the Fair Work Act. Providers should ensure they are compliant with these new requirements before they come into effect. The changes are being phased in progressively, with the following changes commencing in early June 2023:
Flexible work
Extensions to unpaid parental leave
Pay secrecy
“Zombie” agreements
Multi-employer bargaining
Advisory service now available
Labour hire providers are obliged to meet all award, super and taxation obligations set in the Fair Work Act 2009. The Fair Work Ombudsman’s Employer Advisory Service provides free tailored advice about pay and conditions to small business owners. Smaller providers can utilise this service to ensure they are meeting their obligations. Learn more on the FWO website
Visit the Labour Hire Authority website for further information on these upcoming changes
"Although the 2023 summer fruit season has not started yet, things are already looking uncertain. The main reasons are the weather and the drought, which have already caused a 20% drop in production for apricots," explains Maurizio Fiorenza, director of OP Eco Farm.
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